Decolonizing My Imagination: It Started With Black Panther

Decolonizing My Imagination: It Started With Black Panther

The following is the introduction to a series I’ve been ruminating over for at least year at this point. The passing of Chadwick Boseman this week shocked me and stirred up grief I did not know was there. I confess I only knew Boseman through Black Panther and have not seen any of his other films. But I cannot overstate that Boseman’s familial yet adversarial chemistry with Michael B. Jordan (under the direction of Ryan Coogler) on screen was integral…

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It’s Familiar, All Too Familiar: Finding Conviction, Repentance, and Healing Through the McElroy Brothers

It’s Familiar, All Too Familiar: Finding Conviction, Repentance, and Healing Through the McElroy Brothers

Have you ever experienced a piece of art, a book, a song, a television show, and felt like you belonged? What for you is that one created thing that makes you say “these are my people?”  In Spring of 2017, I discovered a podcast called The Adventure Zone. The premise? Three brothers and their dad play Dungeons & Dragons. Since it was recommended by one of my favorite authors, Patrick Rothfuss, I made sure I jumped in at the very…

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What’s On My “To See” List in 2020

What’s On My “To See” List in 2020

The Academy Awards are over. They were mediocre as far as production but Parasite won Best Picture and Bong Joon-ho won Best Directing which was all I desired. But a new year in cinema is upon us! Here’s what I’m looking forward to in 2020! Wonder Woman 1984: I was genuinely surprised by the first film. It was a brief sign that maybe the tide was beginning to turn for DC. While I thought the third act was nothing special…

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“Life’s a B*tch… then You Keep on Living”- Grace and Consequences in BoJack Horseman

“Life’s a B*tch… then You Keep on Living”- Grace and Consequences in BoJack Horseman

The zeitgeist is all about the anti-heroes. Television has been swamped by narratives about edgy, immoral protagonists who draw our sympathies, and despite our best efforts find ourselves rooting for them. Walter White and his Heisenberg get-up remain pop-culture icons, despite Breaking Bad ending in 2013. The mischievous Tyrian Lannister was a fan favorite on Game of Thrones; and who could forget about Mad Men’s Don Draper with his bougie lifestyle, multiple affairs, and mysterious personal history. The anti-hero trend…

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Does the Joker Need an Origin Story? Minor Spoilers for Joker (Part the Second)

Does the Joker Need an Origin Story? Minor Spoilers for Joker (Part the Second)

Within the Batman mythos, there has been an often returned to theme: Batman and the Joker are two interwoven pieces whose relationship is perpetual in its conflict, if not symbiotic in its necessity. As of late, particularly in the work of Scott Snyder, the Joker carries an infatuation with Batman, sometimes akin to that of an unrequited lover. The Joker and Batman are portrayed as two sides of the same coin and one does not exist without the other. Sometimes…

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Imperialism and Exceptionalism in the MCU: Major Spoilers for Avengers Endgame

Imperialism and Exceptionalism in the MCU: Major Spoilers for Avengers Endgame

It’s Academy Award season! And once again, the Academy has limited blockbuster movie nominations to visual effects and similar production awards. Never mind that the whole of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an unprecedented feat of cinema. In honor of its nomination for visual effects, here is my deep dive into the climax of the third phase of the MCU, Avengers: Endgame. I had a blast watching Avengers: Endgame. Overall, I thought the film delivered, and served up everything that…

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Unintended Symbols: Minor Spoilers for Joker (Part the First)

Unintended Symbols: Minor Spoilers for Joker (Part the First)

It’s Academy Award season! The nominations are announced! Between now and February 9, ThePilgrimGeek is going full Blockbuster clearance shelf with Minor Spoilers! What made me laugh? What made me cry? What were the films that stuck in my noggin for days? Here’s the first of Minor Spoilers at the Academy Awards! Todd Phillips’ Joker has been nominated for 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. For a director who’s works include The Hangover and its sequels, as well as Starsky…

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That Time My Therapist and I Talked About Eating

That Time My Therapist and I Talked About Eating

My therapist and I working on my relationship with food. We’re working on my relationship with food because, frankly, it has been a dysfunctional one for at least 20 years. For years, I was aware that I ate compulsively for a sense of comfort. It wasn’t uncommon for me to order a whole pizza and mozzarella sticks, then eat it in near masturbatory fashion. I inhaled food. And for as long as I can remember, I ate my food extremely…

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What Saladin Ahmed Gets About Evil

What Saladin Ahmed Gets About Evil

In February of 2017, I posted Imagination for Resistance: An Incomplete Pseudo-Syllabus. In it, I set a lofty goal of reading and sharing theological works and genre fiction created by voices in the margins. My intent was to devote 2017 to that project, and I failed miserably. You may have noticed that the post still refers to the blog as Noggin Squall, certain hyperlinks no longer work, and I even mislabeled the genre of a book on my reading list….

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Avengers Finite War- Thanos and the Theology of Scarcity

Avengers Finite War- Thanos and the Theology of Scarcity

[Avengers: Infinity War has been in theaters for over two weeks. With that in mind, MASSIVE spoilers to follow.] I hope that by now the majority of you have watched Avengers: Infinity War. Some are praising it, some are less impressed. At the end of the day, the most I’ll say is this: it is a cinematic feat to have produced a whole series of films over the course of a decade that culminate in a climactic feature-film conflict. My…

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